
Under Construction

Inclusion Shetland is open to membership from those who support our aims and values. It is free to join us.

There are four categories of membership. All of which are subject to approval by the board of Inclusion Shetland.

A. Member (16 and over)

  • For a disabled person representing themselves most or all of the time.
  • All disabled people are prioritised for membership of Inclusion Shetland.
  • Member with voting rights.
  • A small percentage of members have no disability but most become associate members.

B. Joint Membership

  • For a disabled person who is not able to represent themselves all or most of the time.
  • For a disabled person under 16 who is being supported or represented by a parent or legal guardian.
  • The disabled person is in joint membership with the person supporting or representing them.
  • A joint membership is entitled to one vote per joint membership.

C. Associate Member (16 and over)

  • This is available, for example, to (list is not exhaustive): Representives of organisations; Schools; Political groups; Council departments and interested individuals.
  • For those with no disability on a waiting list for membership.
  • Associate membership has no voting rights.
  • Associate members can volunteer for Inclusion Shetland.

D. Junior Member (under 16)

  • For young people under 16, both disabled and non disabled, are welcome to join Inclusion Shetland.
  • Junior members are welcome to join in the over 16 members meetings subject to the agreement of their parents or legal guardians.
  • We are happy to create a Junior Inclusion Shetland with its own trustees and officers if junior members wish it.
  • Junior members are welcome to volunteer for Inclusion Shetland.